Undergraduate projects
The Coexistence Conservation Lab is full at the moment and not taking on new students, but check out the volunteer opportunities below!
Postgraduate projects
Translocation tactics for golden sun moth in the ACT
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, coming soon
We will soon be advertising for Postdoctoral Research Fellow investigating golden sun moth conservation and translocation tactics. If you have experience in entomology and ecological statistics, please get in touch.
Mulligans Flat–Goorooyarroo surveys
Are you a keen naturalist in the Canberra region? We are always looking for skilled birders and herpers to help with our annual reptile surveys (March), bush stone-curlew census (September), woodland bird surveys (October). In some cases, these opportunities may be paid.
Woodlands and Wetlands Trust
The Trust has a range of volunteer opportunities at Mulligans Flat, Wildbark, and Jerrabomberra Wetlands.
Opportunities are often seasonal and require varying levels and types of skill, experience, availability, and fitness. You can register your interest in their Better Impact volunteer database.